Actually, I was thinking of dedicating to whole post to Wen jie and ah kun.
For being the greatest cousins in the world.
But after reading wen jie's entry, i have decided to backed out.

For one, whatever that i wanted to say, she said it all.

For two, her english is more powderful then me.

ANd lastly, somethings can never be expressed into words.

Her entry.


managed to meet up with boon today..=) in jurong east.. his laptop got some problem
u see. so, he needed to the the acer place to get it fixed.. didnt managed to meet up for very long as i had to rush for meeting at river walk.. a pity. we had only about 1 plus to 2 hours together.. but love the time spent with this guy. =)
we are planning to meet up next week.i hope we will make it happen..

what can i say.. but i really love boon and kun so so so so much.!
to me, they are even closer to me than normal cousins. they are just like my own flesh and blood brothers. maybe many people cannot comprehend our relationship.. after all, we do seem so close.. not like normal cousins. but that's the way it is between us. we are that close. hmm. after all, we really grew up together..
tonight, i feel just like boon. wondering, years from now, will we still stay the way we are now?
as we progress with our own lives, will we still stay close?
i hope we do.
because there are no brothers quite like them in the whole world.
we went through so much together. you can say thick and thin. in the most literal sense. we grow fat together, we slim down together. there can be days we just spend a lot of $$ together, hang out, and all. there can be days the 3 of us survive on 5 dollars.. we shared everything. we even shared the same bed. food. drinks. clothes.(only home casual clothes la!), we lent each other handphones? bags, money, mp3s, and so much more.
there is total trust that we share with each other almost everything. it is just so easy to share things with them.
we can talk about everything under the sun. everything.

i really treasure them so much so much.. i wish that i will never lose them. never never.
i wish that through our days of youth, adulthood, parenthood, to the days we grow old,.. we'll never be apart.
i wish. even when we die, we'll go to the same place, up there and not down there.
i wish i wish i wish.

there is nothing i wouldnt do for them.
my dearest kun and soon.
i love you guys.
hope we'll never take each other for granted. our close friendship never ends.
one day, when we have our own husbands and wives, we will not grow apart.
our children will be just like us. so close as well..
i wish i wish.

my wishlist:
K.W.S will never be disbanded.
K.W.S will live happy lives.
bros and sis forever--eternity.

Just to add on to what she have said.

I believe that apart from the thick and thin.
We have this mutual trust in us.

There were nights when we just poured out our problems to each other and ended up not having enough sleep simply because it took up the whole night.

Perhaps thats what soulmates are for.

And there were also nights when we played puzzle bubbles and monopoly together so that we can just spend time doing something together.


And there was also time when we sit and lamed for a couple of hours without any thing achieved.
But certainly, it brought joy.

Come to think of it, i did really took them for granted many times.

Yet, they didnt blame me.
They played an essential part in my life and contributed to pretty much of who i am today
They are that great..

I am just glad, to have K.W.S in my life.
Even thou we hasnt been meeting up lately, we will stay as close as ever.
Distance and time was never a problem, it wasnt and it will never be.
So 10 to 20 years down the road, we will still stay as close yea?

Ha, and we came into an agreement that next time, when we are choosing our future mate, he/she must accept K.W.S, else, they FAIL!


Many great people in my life that if given a choice, i would never wanna lose.

Guys, still remember this?

I still has it with me whenever i go.
Its always in my bag, together with my laptop. ha.
And i still has the note the claudia wrote for me during graduation in my wallet.

They never fails to bring me a smile whenever i am reading through what that has been written on the coloured paper.

Looking through what that has been written.
They are heart warming.

Things like "Your zeus and phantom lancer always own me one!"
Reminds me of the time, i totally thrashed GX because he was is always the feeder.

And, "TKD king, must kick more then nicer figure then more shuai"(Took me quite long to read his plagirism)
Wah seh, people now muay thai king liao seh.
Then everytime say i useless cos always skip training.
But i think that time he also nothing better to say lah.
So random.
Hahaha, Please be more in depth next time.

Ha, and, "dont be a glutton!, 60kg ok? if not treat at sakae ah!"
A single sided promised made by chero.
I am still trying not very hard to achieve it thou.

And I know, I am a "good listener" claudia, hahahaha.
And ya, i know, You will miss my singing=).

And valer ah, i didnt know you saw the serious me when having tuitions with me leh.
Perhaps, i look the most serious when i am sleeping.

KK has nothing much to say to me cause i am just living opposite his block.
But still appreciate me for always listening to him after jogging.
That was like many millions years ago.

And lastly, "known him since sec 2, wasnt really on good terms."
He always like to create random jokes which "gets into my skin"
And i still remember that particular moment when he wrote this.
Because on the paper he wrote,(you just bought your KFC meal and had just prayed).
I think the only person that any one can associate these random jokes with will be ah hao.

I didnt know that people of 4e4 knows me as SUperstar thou.
Because majority started off the message with.
"Hey Superstar!"
Haha, How i wish ah!

By the way, you know what joey randomly wrote?
"You like to sleep, eat ..."
I almost vomited blood.
That sounds so not like a farewell messege lo!
But luckily, he added
"and you sing well"
That rather, appeals me greatly.

But really, credits goes to valer hui qi and some other not known girls for compeling them together.
It really means alot to me=)

Although some of you might not even recall writing all these things.
But it's there, for my pleasure.
haha, sounds so wrong.


WHich means that, i will have to get a Digital camera.
Heck, if i have known that earlier, i would have bought a walkman phone or a cheaper phone.

HAving lots of design course this semester.
Hope that i will pull through please.
i am right handed.

Need to get some sleep, its getting way too late!

SPeaking of which, do you know that if you dreamt of flying, train travelling through a tunnel, entering a room, walking down a walkway, crossing a bridge, and i think you get the idea, it actually means that sub-conciously, you are craving for sexual intercourse.

Or, if you dream of apple, peaches and grapefood, you are craving for breast.
And, if you dreamt of umbrella, bullet,fire, snake or stick, it actually means male organ.
Lastly, if its tunnel, caves, boxes, closet,bottles or even ships, it means female organ.

Haha, that's part of Frend's theory of manifest content of unconcious wish furfilment theory.
Eh, just a very interesting thing found in my psychology textbook.