Well, i had just submitted my WDS proposal.
I feel so much relieved, now that it's submitted.
I can spend all my attention on next week's term test.
I just hope that those motivation will really push and pull me through.

Poly is so busy, it just seems that there are unlimited projects to be done.
These project keeps me really occupied, at least, there's always something for me to do.
And keeps me from thinking too much.

But i don't know why is there still this emptiness in me.
I seems to have lose the presense of friends in my life.
I missed the crucial moment when my classmates socialise.
Many times, perhaps i was too reserve, and laid-back.
They are beginning to form their own sub-groups already, and they have bonded.
Yet for me, i am still on the same spot, as where i was when we started poly.
No friends, no companion..No bondings.
ahhhh...I feel so lonely.

Hahahahaha...never mind, i am strong enough to pull through this.

I have nothing much to say.