How will you die?

Natural causes

You seem to be in no danger, and should live to a ripe old age. Go you.

Personality Test Results

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Quizzes and Personality Tests

Pessimist, optimist or realist?


You don't let things get you too down, or too up. You're an Even Steven and you stay away from extremes.

Personality Test Results

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Quizzes and Personality Tests

What would you die for?

the Earth

The earth needs more people like you, people who care! We are all a part of it, and this is a most noble sacrifice.

Personality Test Results

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Quizzes and Personality Tests


yo. i love you!

EE... you will die for the earth meh =.= ... i doubt so heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee