Had our 4E4 steamboat gathering last night at Marina South.
It was overall, a pleasant gathering and catching up for the 12 of us.
We are still the same old 4e4,sprouting nonsensical and abusive words at each other, and playing lame jokes.
I did enjoyed myself during the catching up session.
However, I was really disturbed by the fact that we were having our dinner,together with the lizards.
Half of the time during the dinner, there will be flies dropping from above.
I was also having this bad feeling that the lizards above me will convinently do their business after their meals.
I was being labelled as "very cartoon leh" by claudia because i was kinda afraid that it will fly onto plate,and down into my stomach.
Apparently, One stupid fly really flew onto my plate,and got itself trapped under the many many layers of oil on my plate.
Hahaha,stupid fly.
And now, you know how unhealthy and hygeinic marina south's food are.

After the dinner, we went to the nearby arcade, slacked there awhile ,before making our way back.
Some of them went to some cafe, while I went home, cause i was covered by some "Fragrance".
And i was feeling rather sick.
But still, i had fun.

For those that wasnt able to make cause you have something on, don't worry you are forgiven.
And there's always a next time.
We might be visiting the zoo next tues,be sure to come ya?

Well, for those that were able to make it, yet chose not to.
If there's a concrete, if not brick wall near you, bring your head forcefully to it.
Bang it, till ur forehead tears and bleeds,after which rub the bleeding would against the brick wall,till the would deepen to the extend that you will be able to see your skull.
And wash it with salt water.
Record the whole process down, and send it to me.
If at the age of 17, you are still playing some silly hatred, prejudice or "you dont go I also dont go" game,and that proving to me that 4e4 is ranked under your own pride,dont ever come telling me that you miss us.
I will smile gracefully into your eyes, and ask you to go and die.
And if you think that we will be affected by your presense,I am sorry to inform you that we are not.
If i sound too harsh, i see no need in apologizing.
Thats how angry I am.
Zhi liang and claudia spent their time and money trying to get the whole of 4E4s together,yet there are some unappreciative people like YOU that chose to fly us aeroplane giving us a last minute notice.


Anyway, I went for an interview just now at the Starbucks outlet in Park hotel orchard and i managed to get the job!
The reason given to me as to why I get the job, is because i have a very nice smile.
I wont deny it, cause it's pretty much TRUE!
Dont you think so too?
Will be starting next week i supposed.
The pay isnt alot,4.80 per hr, but it's good enough lah.
Furthermore, i have a direct bus there.
So, whats there to lose?
Now, with my newly increased allowance,and the salary.
I wont be meeting ends meet anymore!!!

I foresee that i will be very busy in the days to come.
But it's really time for me to step out of my comfort and stop slacking already.

Well, thats all that i have got to update you guys.

And for those that haven do my true friend test located under my sidebar,please do so right now.