After reading willy's blog.
I decided to find out what my personality type is.

I took the test 4 times,each with a different outcome.
I am lost,i have no idea which choices best describles me.
You see,due to compromising.
I have been acting against what i feel or think.
And due to that,i dont know whether to tick the choice which i have been doing,or the one which i think is the most appropiate.
Hmm..the contradiction is,should i answer according to how i reacted,or how i wish i had reacted.
AHHH....clear my mind!!
I am going hay-wired!

School is reopening soon.
I am mentally preparing myself to embrace the future.
So that in time to come,i wont feel so sad when I lose contact with my friends.
*hu hu hu*
Well,i am losing contact with them already just because i am temporary without a cell-phone!
I guess,people nowadays are over-relying on Smses that they forgot how make phone calls!
Dont be shy!!I have a very beautiful voice!!hahaha.
Just call my house,and there,I will answer to it.

I am just curious who my future classmate will be.
I Guess everyone is just as curious as i am.

I am excited.!!
Let me handle my future well.
and same goes to my future and present friends!
I wanna know new friends and also stay in contact with my AWESOME present friends!
I just hope i wont label them as "Past" friends in time to come.
*hu hu hu*
So,to my present AWESOME friends,Dont write me off,ok?
It will be like throwing a chest filled treasures away ok!..
Hahaha..ok,no more self-praising.

And yea,i am determined to lose weight?
I know,this is like the 10000 thousand time your are listening to it.
But,i am rather determined!
It shall begin with my diet.

I am hearing so many people claiming that they are tone-deafed.
And i hear them speak with so much emotion and tone!
If you are tone-deafed,you basically sing with a tone.

Lastly,i found this recording studio recruiting some demo vocalist.
And yea,i am calling them to arraNgee for an audition.
Hope that i will be able to be recruited and earn some money! haha.!
In case you ask,the job of a demo vocalist is to sing the demo version of those songs that are freshly written so that the artises are able to listen to them and decide whether to sing them or not.

P/s:*hu hu hu* is the sound of me crying!